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Mala Maña

Time: 12:00pm     Day: Saturday     Doors: 11:30am     Ages: All Ages    
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The return of the AMP Library series! Thanks to the New Mexico Music Commission and the Friends of the Public Library for funding these shows!

Register for the event and we'll send you updates if there are any schedule changes, as well as info on future free programs and other events around Santa Fe and Albuquerque.

Mala Maña is an Albuquerque-based voice and percussion ensemble, fusing contemporary and folkloric rhythms of the African diasporas. Much of their focus is in Latin American music; however, they encompass influences of all the Americas. Performing original as well as traditional songs, their sound is inspiring and unforgettable. Mala Maña plays everywhere from community-inspired events and local music venues to larger festivals.

AMP Concerts