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Oscar Butler

at Los Griegos Library
1000 Griegos Rd NW
Albuquerque NM 87107
Other Events at Los Griegos Library

Time: 4:00pm     Day: Wednesday     Doors: 3:00pm     Ages: All Ages    

Thanks to the New Mexico Music Commission and the Friends of the Public Library for funding these library shows!

Register for the event and we'll send you updates if there are any schedule changes, as well as info on future free programs and other events around Santa Fe and Albuquerque.

Oscar Butler, a consummate talent in the realm of music, blends soulful melodies with witty lyricism and expert acoustic guitar prowess. As a singer, songwriter, and Delta-style guitarist, Oscar captivates audiences with his unique blend of charm and musical ingenuity. With a natural ease on stage, he effortlessly delivers his original compositions, infusing them with his often humorous take on life's twists and turns. With his exceptional skill set and magnetic stage presence, Oscar is undoubtedly poised to enrapture audiences on whatever stage he may grace.

The New Mexico Music Awards of 2023 marked a watershed moment for Butler, as he emerged victorious in the singer-songwriter category with his poignant composition "A Mountain You Must Climb." Despite it being his debut entry into the esteemed competition, Butler's evocative song captivated both judges and audiences, securing him the coveted honor. "A Mountain You Must Climb" stands as a testament to Butler's exceptional songwriting prowess, with its poignant lyrics and soulful melodies leaving an indelible impression on listeners. Butler's win serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring musicians, underscoring the power of authenticity and raw talent in the fiercely competitive music industry. 

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