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B - The Underwater Bubble Show

at Kiva Auditorium
401 2nd Street Northwest
Albuquerque NM 87102
Other Events at Kiva Auditorium

Time: 7:00pm     Day: Wednesday     Doors: 6:00pm     Ages: All Ages     Price: $15 - $35
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This show will NOT require proof of vaccination or negative COVID tests.  Masking is strongly encouraged.  The group may request people mask if there is going to be close interactions.

Tickets cost $17 and $25 (kids) and $27 and $38 (adults), including all service charges. They are also available by phone through Hold My Ticket at 505-886-1251.

Following your dreams and allowing your inner child to take over for a while is the premise of B-The Underwater Bubble Show. Inspired by childhood standards like Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid and Peter Pan, B-The Underwater Bubble Show is a modern fairy tale with one major twist. "Each classic tale represents a journey of a kid who grows up and learns something," explains co-creator and director Enrico Pezzoli. "We wanted a story about an adult character who discovers that he can still go back and enjoy life. We don't always need to grow up.  Sometimes we need to step backwards for a bit and restart."

The show follows Mr. B, a creature of modern habits who "always feels pressed by a thousand things to do in a world that seems to be moving too fast." The office worker discovers a little aquarium that appears like magic inside his briefcase and gradually becomes enchanted by the wondrous underwater world of Bubblelandia, which is full of seahorses, dragon fish, starfish, mermaids and other creatures. "Mr. B represents each of us," Pezzoli notes. "His transformation is a journey which each of us could take 'only if'... everyone dreams about the possibilities of taking a break to sit, relax and simply daydream."

Taking cues from Cirque du Soleil, the visually spectacular show incorporates the latest in stage technology. Lasers, low ground smoke and flying foam simulate waves and the underwater atmosphere.

"The biggest challenge was to make everyone understand that the show is for everyone. Many people only relate it to kids, but everyone loves bubbles. After performing in so many countries around the world, we have seen adults enjoying the show as much as kids, sometimes with even bigger reactions." 

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