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Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation and AMP Concerts present

Turkmen Days 2

at Kiva Auditorium
401 2nd Street Northwest
Albuquerque NM 87102
Other Events at Kiva Auditorium

Time: 7:00pm     Day: Tuesday     Doors: 6:00pm     Ages: All Ages    
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A free ticket guarantees you admission to the event up until 15 minutes before show time.  At that point, we will let people without tickets into the show and a ticket will no longer guarantee you admission.  (The Kiva is large, so this shouldn't be a problem, but just in case!)

Ten years ago 70 visiting Turkmen artists came to New Mexico and performed a remarkable pageant in the ballroom of the Hyatt Hotel downtown. That was the largest Turkmen group to ever come to the United States, and it only visited two cities—Washington DC and Albuquerque. Inspired by a recent visit to Turkmenistan by Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller, the Turkmen government is sending 30 artists to visit Albuquerque for another beautiful night of sharing their culture.  Albuquerque is the only city in the United States that will host these visiting artists!

Since its twinning in 1990, Albuquerque and Ashgabat have enjoyed many different cultural exchanges, which established friendships and connections upon which future collaborations could be built. Business and government leaders from Turkmenistan have come to Albuquerque as part of the US State Department sponsored Open World program, as well as the remarkable cultural exchange of a decade ago.

Enjoy this rare opportunity to experience the traditional dance and music from Turkmenistan, as well as some contemporary offerings too.

Sponsors for the concert, as well as providing hospitality for our Turkmen guests, include the City of Albuquerque, Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation and AMP Concerts.

The performers will be: People's Artists of Turkmenistan Annajemal Nurmuhammedova (aka Jemal Saparova), Honored Artists of Turkmenistan Guvanch Yazmammedov (Hajy Yazmammedov) and Gulshirin Annamyradova young musicians and vocalists, as well as the Dokmachilar folklore and ethnographic group. Additionally, there will be music performed on traditional Turkmen instruments dutar and gykjak, and a display of Turkman art and jewelry in the lobby.

AMP Concerts